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  • 2023 Challenge Lymphedema - Walk with Dee


TEAM LEADER: Dolores Steinwall
LOCATION: Pickering, ON

Join us in our 2023 Challenge Lymphedema fundraiser, where every step you take, every move you make, counts towards making a difference. Whether you're dancing to your favourite song in the living room, jogging in the park, doing yoga in your backyard, or even climbing stairs at home - every bit of activity is a step forward for change.

From a 5k run in your neighbourhood, a yoga session in your backyard, to a virtual dance party with your friends - the choice is yours. The only rule? Get your body moving! The beauty of this fundraiser is that it not only promotes a healthy lifestyle but also supports a great cause.

So, put on your workout gear, and let's turn every step into a stride towards a better world.

Donate today, and let's get moving together for a cause that moves us all!

Please be sure to select our Team in the donation form below.

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Walk with Dee Goal

Collected: $3,510.00
Goal: $2,500.00
Lymphedema Association of Ontario
Mailing Address: 262-2869 Bloor St. W., Toronto, ON M8X 1B3 Canada
1-877-723-0033 | 416-410-2250 | info@lymphontario.ca
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